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Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah

Last year marked another memorable day for us, where Allah granted us a great and wonderful gift, Alhamdulillah. It was really unexpected and Allah made it easy for us to achieve that. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.

Our main intention was to repaint the house for Aidilfitri. We only knew about the contest only after we bought few cans of paint, then we just tried our luck to enter the contest.

Few months after that, we received a call saying that we were one of the 11 shortlisted contestant to get the chance to win the grand prize. In order to proceed, I need to enter the finale contest which was held in OU; with few stages contest before they can decide on the winner such as quizzes, guessing how many cans of paint and also a treasure hunt. Yup, you read it right. I've to run like crazy (which I will not dare to do that again) around the OU new wing. If I were not wearing the contest number (002), people might think that I'm a crazy lady running ups and downs the escalators. hehehe...

Alhamdulillah, it's worth it. Allah made it easy, with the dua's from all. May Allah continue blessing us in whatever in we do, days & nights,show us the correct path, grant us excellent health, wealth and happiness insyaAllah.
This entry is just a special entry for myself; with no other intention than that. A remarkable day to remember although it has happen few months ago.

Oh yes, we won this! =)
