Car safety seat

Since we're in WA, seat belts and child restraint safety is a must and compulsory for all ages and fine and demerit points will be imposed for those who did not obey to this safety road regulation. We are a bit worry of our little Maryam since she's never want to sit on her car seat while we're in Malaysia.  When she was a baby and haven't reached a year, she always sit on my lap and I did not have the guts to drive a car alone with her. Either hubby drives or I'll bring along my sister or my mom will accompany us if I have to drive. 

As far as I can remember, she only got hers when she's a year plus. Beli pun sebab terpaksa dulu, when my mom went for Umrah and hubby always away from KL. Memang puas pujuk habis la at that time.

When we first arrived and rent a car, first thing that we did was to get her first car / booster seat. When we're choosing one, the sales women was quite surprised when we told her she haven't got any yet. Huhu..she even told us that we might be fine of almost AUD700! Alhamdulillah, Allah pelihara and nothing happens.

Before this, she always sit in front when I'm driving. If she wants to sleep or have milk, we'll have to recline the co-driver seat just to make sure she's comfortable. hehe..

Once in a while, she'll refuse to sit on her booster seat and scream to sit in front with Ayah. And I have to sit at the back seat with her.  We'll read books and chatting together during short or long journey, just to make sure she's comfortable and enjoying her ride in her booster seat. =)
