Guest 2: Trip to Perth - Day 2

OKay, now back to the story on our second guests from Malaysia insyaAllah =)

The previous entry can be read here, here, here and here...hehhe

The Sunday was spent in the Belmont Sunday Market. Since we started off quite late, about half past 9 in the morning, there were nothing interesting things left besides our guests have nothing to look for anyway. So, we spent there for nearly an hour and made our move to the next itenary for the day =)

It was the Persimmon Orchard! Yeay! Thanks to Kak Umi for introduding it to us via her blog - the orchard is located at 408, Albany Highway, Bedfordale.

The persimmons are reallyyyyyyyyy sweet and fresh! Alhamdulillah! And it's cheap too! They are selling it based on its grades, ranging from $13-$18 per box. Although you buy the second grade persimmons, the taste was almost the same, except that the skin was not as smooth (few scars here and there) as the first grade of course. Hehe..

They also sells various kinds of fruits such as Goldkiwi fruit (the inside is yellow & really yummy!)

Then we headed home for Zohor prayer plus we had a Kenduri Aqiqah to attend in S.River. About 2.30 pm, we then headed to Fremantle to buy some souveniors. The previous guests don't had the chance to buy the cheap souveniors here since the E-Shed market only opens from Friday to Sunday, and also Public Holidays. If you plan for a trip to Perth, make sure you come during weekends or WA Public Holidays, so that you got the chance to buy cheap souveniors here in Fremantle E-Shed Market. The famous shop is Aussins =) The weather was quite nice although a bit cold since it's windy.

Since it's nearly Maghrib, so we headed straight back home after shopping. We had Nasi Mandhy for dinner and this for dessert...

Homemade Fruit Cocktail Strudel


  1. Salam Mazia..
    wah dah sampai jugak ke persimmon orchard ya? best dpt borong byk2 kan, sbb kalau nak beli kat IGA mmg mahal. kat market city pun ada tapi mungkin tak best mcm beli kat orchard tu.
    hmm sedapnya nampak homemade strudel tu. ada resepi tak? :)

  2. Salam Kak Umi,

    Aah, Alhamdulillah, sebab tengok akak pegi la saya pun teruja! Murah sgt, dan teringin nk pegi lagi..huhu..Sy beli kt Oriental dlm Carousel aje la 8biji $5..huhu..

    Senang sgt Kak Umi strudel tu. Semua ready made aje, pastu letak2 aje..Nanti sy buat entry khas utk Kak Umi eh insyaAllah =)


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