Crabbing on the 1st day of 2013

We went to Mandurah for crabbing last Tuesday, i.e. on the first day of 2013. It was really a last minute decision, where we decided to join a couple of our friends. Since we didn't have any crabbing tools, so off we went to find one. Heheh..just one - enough for hubby. At first, the plan was to go for crab scooping, thus only 1 crab scoop for us =)

Actually, we're quite reluctant to go at first since the weather is soooo hot. Memang tak tahan la bila keluar mencari crab scoop tu. But, Alhamdulillah. The weather was really kind to us- it was really windy and nice all the time when we're there. Alhamdulillah!

It was such a great experience since the previous year, we only went for crabbing under the bridge ie highway in Mandurah too, using the crab net. The spot for this time was quite convenient, very close to the toilet and there's a playground for the kids while waiting for the daddy-daddy to go scooping. And yes, definitely the mummys will just sit under the tree, chit-chatting and reading books. Lebihnya bersembang la kan, while keeping an eye on the kids.

We arrived at about 7.30am, and then break for early lunch at about 10am. Had picnic with variety of foods-from nasi lemak, sandwiches, doughnuts, fries, kuetiau goreng, mihun to nasi berlauk! The daddys managed to catch quite a number of crabs Alhamdulillah =)

Since it was quite early that time, we then decided to go for another try under the bridge. Hehehe..Alhamdulillah, another large 5 crabs for us! =)

Some of the catch of the day =)

 At about 1pm, we then headed back home. Bahagi-bahagi la ketam yang dapat tu =)

So, we had ketam masak lemak for lunch on the next day, with tomyam ayam and steamed pak choy. Alhamdulillah, a simple lunch and dinner for three of us =)

Ketam Masak Lemak

Steamed Pak Choy with oyster sauce

Tomyam ayam

What did the little princess do while her Ayah went to the sea? She's busy playing at the playground and here a photo of her while resting in the tent =)
